Project : General Administration Department (GAD) All India Service (AIS) Portal

User Department(s):
General Administration Department, Goverment of Telangana
Project Brief:
The Government of Telangana (GoTG) has taken initiative to introduce paperless office after formation of the new state. In this regard, the State envisaged introducing online workflow into the various departments in the state, especially with General Administration Department (GAD). Principal Secretary to Government (Poll), Telangana Secretariat proposed online tools to automate the various processes of GAD such as
- Leave and Permission Management System (Apply Casual Leave, Optional Holiday, Permission for Public Holiday, Official permission, Earned Leave, Medical Reimbursement claims online.)
- Medical Reimbursement Claims
- Issue of ID cards
- Update on Transfer details
- SMS module
- Profile updating
- Issue of Visitor Passes to enter into the Secretariat Premises
- Centre for Good Governance (CGG) has developed online portal for GAD for the aforementioned services.
Benefits/uses of the application:
- To enhance the internal efficiency of staff who are processing Leaves, Permissions, Medical Claims, Issue of ID Cards, Visitor passes etc.,
- Leave Module System (LMS), an online system introduced to bye-pass all manual steps with online request by MoS (Member of Service) directly to Chief Secretary for approval & In charge allotment for issue of GOs during leave.
- To reduce the cycle time and have updated information
- To reduce laborious kind of work
- Reports for monitoring and tracking the Individual Leave Details (Includes list of Approved, Rejected Leaves and ID Card Status Report etc.
Link to the website/application: